home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- + Browse up
- - Browse down
- (Alt)C Calculator hot-key
- (Alt)D drop to DOS
- (Alt)E activate Editor (in memo field)
- (Alt)H HELP
- (Alt)I Switch to next index
- (Alt)J Jingle (place a phone call)
- (Alt)M load new Macro smart keys
- (Alt)P Print screen (cleaned up)
- (Alt)T TEACH mode (on/off)
- (Alt)V View memo field data
- (Alt)X force PC-File to use current indeX
- (Alt)Y Smart key memorize (on/off)
- (Ctrl)A accept data (same as (F10))
- (Ctrl)B blank right, to end of field
- (Ctrl)D duplicate all of previous record
- (Ctrl)E activate Editor (in memo field)
- (Ctrl)F duplicate Field from previous record
- (Ctrl)J Jingle (place a phone call)
- (Ctrl)L print a Label (Snapshot)
- (Ctrl)O Flip the flip data character
- (Ctrl)P Print screen (cleaned up)
- (Ctrl)R read into memory
- (Ctrl)W write from memory
- (Del) delete the character at the cursor
- down arrow move cursor to following field or line
- (End) cursor right, past last significant character
- (Enter) move cursor to next field
- (Esc) cancel this operation
- (F10) accept data
- (Home) cursor left, to start of field
- (Ins) Insert mode (on/off)
- left arrow move cursor left 1 position
- (PgDn) move cursor to next data entry screen
- (PgUp) move cursor to previous data entry screen
- right arrow move cursor right 1 position
- tab move cursor to next field, or
- move browse window one field to the right
- tab left move cursor to prior field, or
- move browse window one field to the left
- tilde (~) the "flip data" character
- up arrow move cursor to preceding field or line
- Edit mask examples:
- :azAZ: allows only alphabetic characters
- :AAaaEEeeIIiiOOooUUuu: allows only vowels
- :09//-- : good for date fields
- Automatic Fields (In edit mask area)
- :DATE*: mm-dd-yy
- :MM/DD/YY*: mm/dd/yy
- :YYMMDD*: yymmdd
- :YYYYMMDD*: yyyymmdd
- :MO*: mm
- :DY*: dd
- :YR*: yy
- :TIME*: hh:mm
- :DD/MM/YY*: dd/mm/yy
- :UNIQUE*:*A unique no.
- :DUPE*: auto dupe
- Automatic field can also have an input edit mask:
- :DATE*09//:
- Automatic field only when adding records:
- :DATE*:*A
- Automatic field only when modifying:
- :DATE*:*M
- Automatic field only when blank:
- :DATE*:*B
- Automatic Constant
- "New York City"
- "Des Moines"*A (only when adding records)
- "Milton Freewater"*M (only when modifying)
- "Completed"*B (only when blank)
- Calculated fields example:
- ((cost + adjustments) / 100).2
- Relational lookup example:
- (@empno,empmast,empnumber,salary)*B
- xxx generic (exact, first part)
- ~xxx scan across
- ?xxx sounds-like
- ___x wildcard
- arithmetic operators:
- + addition
- - subtraction or negation
- * multiplication
- / division
- % modulo (remainder)
- ^ exponentiation
- logical operators:
- & and
- | or
- comparison operators:
- = equal
- != not equal
- > greater than
- >= greater than or equal
- < less than
- <= less than or equal
- special calculations:
- (@RANDOM#) creates a random number between 0 and 1
- (@TODAY#) creates todays relative "day number"
- (@DAY#,mask) get date from stack, convert to day#
- mask tells date format:
- ymd ydm mdy myd dmy dym yymmdd
- (@DATE,mask) get day# from stack, convert to date
- mask tells date format: examples mdy/ dmy-
- (@key1,dbase2,key2,answer2)
- a relational lookup
- (@*,answer3) a subsequent relational lookup into same record
- example arithmetic calculation:
- ((cost + adjust) / 100)
- example comparison calculation:
- ((age >= 21 & age < 40) & sex = "F")
- example date arithmetic: difference between 2 dates
- (date2(@DAY#,mdy) - date1(@DAY#,mdy))
- example date arithmetic: date 60 days later
- ((date1(@DAY#,mdy) + 60)(@DATE,mdy/))
- F1 [315] rt arrow [333] (Alt)P [281]
- F2 [316] End [335] (Alt)T [276]
- F3 [317] down arrow [336] (Alt)V [303]
- F4 [318] PgDn [337] (Alt)Y [277]
- F5 [319] Ins [338] (Ctrl)A [1]
- F6 [320] Del [339] (Ctrl)B [2]
- F7 [321] Tab [9] (Ctrl)D [4]
- F8 [322] Shift Tab [271] (Ctrl)E [5]
- F9 [323] (Alt)C [302] (Ctrl)F [6]
- F10 [324] (Alt)D [288] (Ctrl)J [10]
- Enter [13] (Alt)E [274] (Ctrl)L [12]
- Home [327] (Alt)H [291] (Ctrl)O [15]
- up arrow [328] (Alt)I [279] (Ctrl)P [16]
- PgUp [329] (Alt)J [292] (Ctrl)R [18]
- lft arrow [331] (Alt)M [306] (Ctrl)V [22]
- (Ctrl)W [23]
- The sections of the report
- :COVER once at beginning of report
- :HEADING top of each page
- :DETAIL once for each record printed
- :SUBTOTAL at each subtotal break
- :FOOTING bottom of each page
- :TOTAL at end of the report
- Commands in filename.rep (1 command per line):
- [xxx] field xxx data prints here
- [COUNT*] print count of records printed so far
- [DATE*] today's date prints here
- [KEYIN*prompt] ask operator input, print here
- [PAGE*] print page number here
- [RECORDS*] print no. of records in database
- [SELECT*] print the selection criteria
- [SORT*] print the primary sort field name
- [SUBCMD*n] print subtotal trigger formula
- [SUBCOUNT*n] print count of records in subtotal group
- [SUBFLD*n] print field name of subtotal break field
- [SUBID*n] print data from subtotal break field
- [SUBLEVEL*] print level number of subtotal break
- [TIME*] the current time prints here
- A nn,nnn,nn print ASCII printer control codes here
- <xxx> field xxx data (excess spaces removed)
- "xxx" a constant
- =nn tab to column nn
- /n insert n newlines
- .FF form feed to new page
- .CP nn conditional skip to new page
- .IF (calc.) if calc is true, include following commands
- .ELSE if calc is not true, include following
- .ENDIF end of IF construct
- .GROUP start a group (no blank lines)
- .EGROUP end a group
- .EGROUP R end a group, replace blank lines
- (a+b):z,zz#.##: a calculated answer, with output mask
- (@K1,DB,k2,x2):@@@: a relational lookup
- (@*,fld):@@@@: a relational lookup into the same record
- Output Edit Masks (examples)
- :@@@@@@@@@@@@: a character field mask
- :#####: numbers, all digits appear
- :zz,zz#.##: zero suppress, with commas
- :$$$$$$.##: floating dollar sign
- :******.##: asterisk check protection
- :=12,0,100,* : bar chart mask
- :WWWWWW: word wrap mask
- :: null mask (nothing prints)
- .<fieldname> insert data, blanks stripped
- .[fieldname] insert data, no blanks removed
- .<KEYIN*prompt> insert data from keyboard
- .<DATE*> insert today's date
- .GROUP start a group (no blank lines)
- .EGROUP end a group
- .EGROUP R end a group, replace blank lines
- .FORMFEED skip to new page on printer
- .FF skip to new page on printer
- .CP nn conditional skip to new page
- .IF (calculation) if calc is true, include following
- .ELSE " not true, include " "
- .ENDIF end of IF construct
- .<(a+b):z,zz#.##:> a calculated answer
- .<(@K1,DB2,k2,x2):@@@@@@:>
- a relational lookup answer
- fieldname sort on entire field
- fieldname,3,5 data starts in byte=3, length=5
- fieldname,R Roman Numeral sort
- fieldname,S sounds-like sort
- (@RANDOM#) random sequence
- (fieldname(@DAY#,mdy))
- sort on field that's in mm/dd/yy format
- /ADDPW,xxx password allowing additions to database
- /AUTOSKIP automatic skip to next field when full
- /BG,n set background screen color 0-7 (note 1)
- /BGW,n set background window color 0-7 (note 1)
- /CASEFIND searches will be case sensitive
- /CASESORT sorts will be case sensitive
- /CONDENSED,n,n ASCII values to cause condensed print
- /DELAY,n slow down smart keys n/18 of a second
- /DELPW,xxx password allowing deletions in database
- /DRIVE,x default disk for data
- /EGA use 35 lines on EGA or 40 lines on VGA
- /ENTER Force Enter key to behave like (F10) key
- /EURODATE Use european date format in reports
- /EXPERT smaller menu prompts where possible
- /FASTVIEW fastest screen writes (possible snow)
- /FG,n set foreground screen color 0-15 (note 1)
- /FG2,n set alternate color (field names, highlight)
- /FGW,n set foreground window color 0-15 (note 1)
- /FILE,xxx default database name
- /KEYIN,xxx keystrokes to run at startup
- /LAN turns on LAN file sharing mode
- /LBL,xxx gives Snapshot Label format (note 2)
- /MEMOW,n the width of the Memo window
- /MODPW,xxx password allowing modify in database
- /NODESC suppress displaying of file descriptions
- /NORMAL,n,n ASCII values to cause normal print size
- /NOTRAP don't trap disk errors and (Ctrl)break
- /PAGELEN,n size of page (no. of print lines)
- /PATH,xxx default subdirectory for data
- /PHINIT,xxxx modem initialization string
- /PHPORT,COMx The COM port to Jingle phone calls thru
- /PHPRE,xxx Telephone "connect" command characters
- /PRPORT,LPTx printer output port
- /SORTPW,xxx password allows sorts on database
- /SYSPW,xxx password allows system operations
- /USEPW,xxx password allows use of the database
- /VGA use 35 lines on EGA or 40 lines on VGA
- /XXXPW,xxx password allows override of all passwords
- Note 1.
- Screen colors: bg 0-7, fg 0-15, fg2 0-15, bgw 0-7, fgw 0-15
- 0 black 5 magenta 10 lt. green
- 1 blue 6 brown 11 lt. cyan
- 2 green 7 white 12 lt. red
- 3 cyan 8 gray 13 lt. magenta
- 4 red 9 lt. blue 14 yellow
- 15 brt white
- Note 2.
- Snapshot Feature specification:
- dev,t,f,f,f,f......
- dev = LPT1:, LPT2:, MYFILE, etc.
- t = no. chars to tab in at left margin
- f = field number, or command
- 0 = new line
- -n = insert n spaces
- 'xx' = insert xx (a constant)
- Cursor movement keys
- End Move to last character of current line.
- Home Move to first position on line.
- PgDn Shift down one screen (if enough left).
- PgUp Shift up one screen (if enough left).
- Ctrl End Move to lower left corner of current window.
- Ctrl Home Move to upper left corner of current window.
- Ctrl Lft Arrow Move to beginning of previous word.
- Ctrl PgDn Move to bottom line.
- Ctrl PgUp Move to top line.
- Ctrl Rt Arrow Move to beginning of next word.
- Shift Tab Tab to the left
- Tab Tab to the right
- Commands
- Ctrl \ Split line at cursor
- Ctrl A Toggles automatic paragraph wrapping
- Ctrl B Mark corner of block
- Ctrl C Copy marked area (to below cursor)
- Ctrl D Delete blocked area
- Ctrl E Erase from cursor line to end of document
- Ctrl F Fill marked area with selected character
- Ctrl L Mark line or lined area
- Ctrl M Move marked area
- Ctrl O Overlay marked area
- Ctrl R Reformat blocked area. If no area blocked,
- reformats current paragraph
- Ctrl U Unmark the marked area
- Ctrl V Enable / disable "whoops" key
- Ctrl W "Whoops" - Recall previous buffer
- Esc Inserts esc character in text -
- two Esc strokes in a row exit the editor
- F3 Menu of editor commands
- F5 Delete current line
- F6 Erase from cursor to end of line
- F10 Exit and keep all changes
- ABS(num) DAY(date) ISDIGIT(char)
- ASC(char) DESCEND(char) ISLOWER(char)
- AT(str,str) DOW(date) ISUPPER(char)
- CDOW(date) DTOC(date) LEFT(char,len)
- CHR(num) EXP(num) LEN(char)
- CMONTH(date) IIF(cond,expr,expr) LOWER(char)
- CTOD(char) INT(num) LTRIM(char)
- DATE() ISALPHA(char) MAX(num,num)
- MIN(num,num) RIGHT(char,num) STUFF(char,num,num,char)
- MOD(num,num) ROMAN(char) SUBSTR(char,num,num)
- MONTH(date) ROUND(num,num) TIME()
- RECCOUNT() RTRIM(char) TRIM(char)
- RECNO() SOUNDEX(char) TYPE(any)
- RECSIZE() SPACE(num) UPPER(char)
- REPLICATE(char,num) STR(num,num,num) VAL(char)
- TOSTR(any) YEAR(date)